Significance of Social Security in Dubai

The law is stated for all the employees without any discrimination. It is also created for them to feel safe and secure. Social security is one of the reasons for which labor law is created

Labour law makes sure that old age, disabilities, and survivors are given social security and as many benefits as they can have. Lawyers in Dubai are for the assistance of the employer or the employee has confusion related to it.

 Social Security

Below are some benefits that are given to old age, disabilities, and survivors. If any of these employees don't feel these benefits coming their way, they can contact the lawyers in Dubai for legal help and representation. 

·         Old Age Pension

The old-age pension has been declared for the welfare of these employers. This pension is the amount declared by the employer for the over-aged employees once they get retired. This pension is then given to them on a monthly basis so that they can meet their daily expenses.

The main reason for the provision of this pension is that in older age, a person may not physically fit enough to start a new job after they get retired. However, they still are needing money for their daily expenses. This amount is settled to meet this target and given to the employee when retired.

·         Disability Pension

Disabilities pension is created for those people who are physically disabled by birth or got some unfortunate incident after some years. The employer is supposed to pay them their due amount of pension for their social security. However, the employee must be assessed with a 67% loss in earning capacity. 

Moreover, they should have at least 15 years of contributions or at least five years of contributions including three of the last five years. Still, if the employee doesn't get the fixed amount, he or she can approach lawyers in Dubai to claim the employee. 

·         Survivor Pension

Survivor pension is fixed for the family members of those who get deceased. It is the amount fixed every month for the social security and welfare of their family members. In order of priority, eligible survivors include spouses, children younger than age 18, the deceased's parents, and other dependents. 

The surviving spouse must have been married to the deceased before the deceased reached the minimum pensionable age for the old-age pension.


Thus, to take care of the social security of such employees is the utmost duty of the employer. The lawyers in Dubai are for the help and legal assistance for the employees if not given their rights.


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